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Showing posts from February, 2023

A guide to Nortel Phone System and Phone Troubleshooting

 Nortel Networks Digital Phone Systems are widely used in offices, organizations, and other business settings for their robust features and reliable performance. However, as these systems age they like any other technology, they can experience issues from time to time. This guide will provide you with the steps to troubleshoot common issues with Nortel Networks Digital Phone Systems and get them working properly again. Step  A Is there any Display on the phone?  If there is no display on one phone check the remaining phones.  If all phones have no display it is not an individual phone issue but a system issue. The most common phone you will be examining is the Nortel T7316 If it is just one phone go to STEP B - Phones Now that you determined that all phones are in failure and have no dial tone -  Go back to the main box often described as a Norstar, Nortel, or Nortel Networks Processor.  These may be labeled  CICS, MICS, or BCM or Norstar.   ...