We clearly understand that offices depend on their Toshiba Strata Telephone System to function and operate as they need to conduct day-to-day tasks related to what they do and how they work. If your business telephone systems is a Toshiba Strata phone system then you need A.B.S to assist you in helping you maintain and repair the system to continue to function as you need.
Toshiba Strata Support
Call 877-690-7705
Toshiba Telephone Systems
Toshiba Telephone Systems
Toshiba Business Phones In 2002 introduced Strata CTX100 and CTX670 digital business telephone systems, with the Toshiba Strata CTX100 replacing the DK40i and the CTX670 replacing. The Toshiba Strata DK, CTX, CIX, and IPedge series of phone systems
Who provides Toshiba Telephone System Repair?
What are Legacy phone Systems?
Legacy phone systems are telephone systems that are no longer supported by the manufacturer who was responsible for them. The Lucent Partner and the Avaya partner are no longer supported by the manufacturer in the United States. If you do not have qualified telephone technicians who is able to support your legacy telephone systems such as the Toshiba Strata, Lucent, Nortel, Comdial, and others then you are risking having a loss of support when you need it.
We also provide Lucent Repair for the Lucent Telephone System.
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